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Something completely different, but still a twostroke.
Have bought myself a NSU Superlux from 1956 (one off the lasts models)
Witch is nice/funny as my father has a NSU MAX one off the first models (1953)

The plan is to restore it throughout the years to a presentable bike. It will
not be restored like its is coming right from factory but more like how it would be done in the early sixties (As you could aspect from a bike with would be 8 till 10 years old then)

This thoughts behind this is simple:
To many bike are restored as completely new (like if they just came out off factory) or a much worse restoration would be a restoration that is
over the top (like chroming parts that where never be chromed when it was new, ore golden chains, spokes, etc)

No, this restoration would be done in the motorbike ''his time line'' like the owner could have done when he would like to tidy the bike up.

Her she is when just bought
Left side

The well know NSU logo on the frond fender.

The engine looks complete and original (but have to investigate this later)

Rear looks original, small detail is the rear luggage witch was a accessories back in that day.

Right side

The chain protector, seems to have had a hard life. (du to a battery failure I think)

Engine looks original.

Typical for that time, the seat

The bike has traveled 58.823KM

Nice detail is the pump.

And of course the proud of the NSU makers world champion 1953-1954

The nicest off it all, the bike is running and I already had my first ride.

Running nicely idle

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